Monday, December 2, 2019

Three Useful Ways To Lower Acid Reflux Related Sleeping Disorders

If you are someone who suffers from acid reflux sleeping disorders on a regular basis, then you should consider following the steps mentioned in this article to alleviate this problem. Acid reflux causes heartburn and irritation in the food pipe which prevents people from being able to sleep soundly at night. When you are unable to sleep properly, then your overall health is also compromised. In this small blog, you will learn about three easy ways by, which you can reduce these sleeping disorders.

1. Do not fall asleep immediately after having dinner

Incline Mattress Topper

Healthcare professionals often advice people to not go to bed immediately after they take dinner. It is advised that you take at least an hour or two after your dinner to go to bed. You can also go for a light stroll after your dinner to facilitate your digestion process. When you go to bed finally, remember to use a mattress wedge to incline your sleeping surface by a slight angle.

2. Using a pillow wedge to sleep better:

Incline Mattress Topper

There are several health care experts who recommend you to use a pillow wedge in order to elevate the head as you sleep so that you may avoid acid reflux. You can elevate your head along with your shoulders by a little distance and avoid sleeping disorders because of acid reflux. The small elevation can help you keep your digestive system in a straight alignment. This will provide you with a more wholesome sleeping experience. The food from your stomach will not be able to come up to your food pipe and this will lower your irritability.

3. Sleeping on an uncomfortable bed:

Bed Wedges

You should invest in a mattress which is medium to mildly firm and also has springs to sleep on. In addition to this, you can buy a mattress wedge. An inclined mattress topper will help you sleep comfortably at night and prevent any acid reflux disorder. If you do not get a proper night’s sleep then you can have a lot of stress and this can increase agitation from acid production during the night. People naturally move around when they sleep and hence the bed wedges should be adjustable depending on your sleeping position. People who sleep on their backs can use the elevated mattress to sleep comfortably without putting too much pressure on their lower back. The mattress elevator ensures that your bed has a strong and a stable surface. You would not need to feel that the surface is uneven because the wedge ensures that the mattress is levelled equally at a slightly inclined angle.
If you want to get an inclined mattress topper then you should check out online stores for a variety of good bed wedges at affordable prices.

Acid reflux problems are difficult to cure on a permanent basis. But using a bed wedge can help reduce sleeping disorders caused by mild and moderate acid reflux. You should get a mattress wedge to help you remove your sleeping disorders.

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